Writing on software design.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, leadership, product design, and more, collected in chronological order.

Decoding image inside service worker

In web development, it's often necessary to load large images for display on a web page. However, this can cause significant performance issues, particularly on slower connections. One solution to this problem is to use a service worker to decode images before they are displayed. In this article, we'll explore how to use a service worker to decode images in JavaScript.

Introduction to Web assembly

Web Assembly (WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine that is designed as a portable target for the compilation of high-level programming languages. The aim of WASM is to provide a low-level bytecode format that can be executed on a variety of platforms, including web browsers, without the need for a virtual machine or interpreter.

React hydration

When you’re building a website for a company as ambitious as Planetaria, you need to make an impression. I wanted people to visit our website and see animations that looked more realistic than reality itself.